home Training online-training-legalities-taxes-marketing-dealing-with-clients-etc


Ken Mosseau with OCtaxgeek.com

1:33 – How do you keep your clients & client information organized? Websites/editing tools?
2:25 – How do you determine what to charge for your services?
3:20 – Do you handle paying taxes yourself or do you hire someone out?
4:15 – How did you transition from gym-training to online-training? Were you under any contract with your gym?
4:53 – How did you market yourselves to your client to get them to work with you?
7:20 – Do you feel as though documenting your time in bikini competition prep helped you to propel your social media following?
8:17 – Do you recommend getting certified [as a personal trainer] before taking online coaching clients?
9:12 – How often are you in contact with your clients?
9:48 – How do you handle clients that don’t check in? Do you continuously reach out to them or do you leave it up to them?
10:51 – How do you go about giving nutrition advice without crossing the ethical line of what a trainer should be saying about nutrition?
12:52 – Did you have someone create your website for you? How much did it cost?
14:01 – Did you jump right into online training or did you educate yourself a bit on how to do that effectively?
15:53 – How to grow your clientele/the facts of the online personal training market today
17:56 – Do you think it’s possible to be an online trainer and also spread body positivity at the same time & encourage people to eat whatever they want/whenever they want without guilt?
20:29 – I am just starting to work toward being an online trainer but I’m stuck in the “paralysis by analysis” phase – I’m overwhelmed! What would you suggest to overcome that?

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Website — http://lynettemariefitness.com
Instagram — @lynettemarieh
Twitter — @lynettemarieh
Snapchat — @lynettemarieh

I am an NASM CPT! E-mail me for online training [or business inquiries] — lynettemariefit@gmail.com
