home Funnels how-to-build-a-sales-funnel-for-an-online-business-lifestyle-academy


The book I was talking about: It’s FREE don’t worry. https://dotcomsecretsbook.net

This module goes into what a sales funnel is and how to build on on clickfunnels.

Watch how I show you how to create a business online through email sequences and explaining how you can use that in your funnel.

You don’t need a website to make money online. All you need is a well crafted funnel process where you can get people to see your offer.

If you spend too much time crating pointless things (website) in your business you will only lose out on the opportunity to create your business that makes money.

In short. Only spend time doing the things that matter.

Go see the traffic video here: https://youtu.be/O_JWhnqgwus

If you want anymore information follow me and go like my facebook page: https://facebook.com/jacobcamposonline


do you even need clickfunnels? — https://youtu.be/jQp5wdRlrzs
