home Funnels How to Generate Leads – What Are Sales Funnels?

How to Generate Leads – What Are Sales Funnels?

How do you generate new prospective client leads? What is a sales funnel, and how can I use it for my creative business? What are the steps I need to nurture a new lead and bring them on as a paying client?

In this episode, Henery Kaminsky Jr. shares his insights on how he attracts new clients. The team talks about various funnel types, and different scenarios to help nurture new prospects.

Henry Kaminski Jr. is the founder of Unique Designz, a full-service design, branding, and digital marketing agency that is dedicated to helping authority brands; coaches, consultants, influencers, speakers + authors scale their expertise and personal brand.



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Futur Podcast on iTunes:

Host– Chris Do
Cinematography– Aaron Szekely, Mark Contreras
Live Editor– Jona Garcia
Editor– Stewart Schuster, Mark Contreras, Aaron Szekely
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.com
Typefaces: Futura, Din, Helvetica Neue
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne
