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Youngevity Business Opportunity Training – How To Sell Youngevity Products Successfully Online

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Youngevity Business Opportunity Training – Learn How To Promote Youngevity Products Successfully Online

In this youngevity business opportunity training video you will learn how to market youngevity essential oils vs doterra and other flagship products by the company. The first step is to understand your ideal client or prospect for the product in order to generate targeted youngevity leads online. People buy outcomes and not products. This is why the youngevity marketing plan implemented by many distributors doesn’t result in many sales. Prospecting your warm market is an okay place to start to get your business rolling but your warm market are not actively seeking the benefits that the rebound youngevity products provide. This forces you to sell them and most buy out of sympathy. A much more effective and efficient youngevity business plan is to strategically position yourself in the marketplace in front of those that are already looking for youngevity product reviews and testimonials. Advertising platforms and search engines allow you to get very specific and show youngevity asap ads to certain demographics, genders, and interests based on people’s past behaviour. We provide tons of marketing training inside our community that shows you how to make money with youngevity pay plan so be sure to grab a spot inside our free bootcamp.

Once you are clear on who your ideal customer would be for the various youngevity products you can create content that speaks to the needs, wants and desires of your target audience. Focus on leading with value and educating your prospects. This is a youngevity social selling strategy. If you send visitors directly to a new youngevity business presentation and your ads account is relatively new you may run into some problems if you are promoting the youngevity business opportunity directly. Besides, you should always be capturing youngevity leads with a capture page at the front of your marketing funnel so that you can follow up and build a relationship with them to sell youngevity rev as most people do not purchase right away. Our marketing system includes a 5 minute capture page creator that is simple click, drag and drop with your mouse to capture leads and create marketing funnels for your new youngevity presentation video.

Our tendency when starting out is to aggressively lead with the new youngevity opportunity but if you observe the youngevity top earners you will see that they lead with themselves. People join people and not opportunities. Top earners are providing leadership, training and education to their audience about youngevity oils | youngevity rebound | youngevity coffee and essential oils youngevity new products launched by the company. They provide ongoing training to their prospective team and new recruits. You can leverage facebook groups, google hangouts to create this tribe and community around you and your brand to increase your recruits and sales for the youngevity business opportunity online.

All top earners surround themselves with high achievers, those that already have results in income, lifestyle, relationships. Mix with the winners by attending usa youngevity business events and as many youngevity events and conventions as you can. Learn their marketing strategies and daily habits that allow them to build global teams in youngevity uk and youngevity Canada and around the world simultaneously by using leverage. An empire is not built in a day. It’s built everyday. It is the consistent daily constructive habits that will take you to where you want to be.

One of the biggest contributors to your success in the youngevity international business is consistency. You must pick one strategy and stick with it until you start climbing the youngevity ranks and start achieving measurable consistent results. And even then, it’s time to focus even more and double down on what’s working selling youngevity products to capitalize on all the effort you have put in up to that point. Whether it be facebook live videos, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, banners ads, Youtube, pay per click ads etc. you must commit to becoming an expert in one strategy at a time to be successful with youngevity business opportunity. This increases your chances of comp plan rewards and receiving the youngevity coding bonus by prospecting and recruiting more consistently. Gather as many youngevity products testimonials as you can to use in your marketing as social proof is huge. You will be very valuable in their eyes and they will want to know how to join youngevity on your team to learn from your expertise.

If you got value from this youngevity training video and would like to take your prospecting skills to the next level, claim your free spot in our online marketing and recruiting course here: http://MLMAttractionCode.com
