home Start 7-passive-income-ideas-how-i-make-12000-a-month


I share my 7 passive income sources, how much they pay and how I created them. Get up to 2 Free Stocks (valued up to $1400) on WeBull: https://act.webull.com/k/jhVLlzYmYwbm/main.

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◆ Osprey 40L Backpack https://amzn.to/2U4DPee
◆ Razer Blade Pro 15 Laptop https://amzn.to/38SboW0
◆ Blue Yeti Microphone https://amzn.to/3cTahc5
◆ Logitech Brio Webcam https://amzn.to/39Sto3X

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Many of you asked, so here it is. My 7 sources of passive income (#passiveincome) that make over $12,000 per month. I detail what they are, how I built them, how much they pay and more.

Sources include business, real estate, #stocks.

All amounts are in USD.

Passive income is an #investor’s dream!

I was a bit hesitant to disclose this information but I know when I younger I would have LOVED to see some REAL, TANGIBLE, ACTUAL passive income sources and learn how they were built. So I hope you guys enjoy, learn and find some inspiration.

This video is super meta. I’ve included examples of me generating passive income within the video itself, including multiple mid roll ads, a plug for Patreon, and mention of affiliate products/services.

As always, in this video I’m just sharing my thinking process and my reasoning. Keep using your own brain. Don’t be a sheep.

I love you all,

p.s. Share your thoughts below. I read ALL your comments. Do you have passive income? What are your sources? How did you build them? What do they pay?
