home Business Plan Day 10 of 30 : Creating Your Online Business Plan

Day 10 of 30 : Creating Your Online Business Plan

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If you don’t have a plan to succeed you by default have a plan to fail. Learn how to build your plan by clicking here for this 5 minute read: http://successwithcecelia.com/how-to-map-your-weekly-schedule-to-have-more-fun-and-get-more-done/

The 3 things you need to include in your plan:

1. Money making activities – posting a blog, running an ad, client/coaching calls, etc.
2. Activities that are needed to get to #1 – writing a blog, training, engaging on your fan page, etc.
3. Time for yourself, famly and friends – take time to have FUN

To get more detail about how to map your weekly schedule to get this all done click here: http://successwithcecelia.com/how-to-map-your-weekly-schedule-to-have-more-fun-and-get-more-done/

If you want to get more of my online business building tips you can follow me here: www.facebook.com/tcibiz

If you know someone that needs this information feel free to like, comment and share with others!

