home Start galantis-no-money-official-video


Warner Music Germany präsentiert das offizielle #Musikvideo zu GALANTIS – NO MONEY ► Abonniere den Warner Music YouTube-Kanal für die neusten Musikvideos ► http://wmg.click/YTKanalabonnieren

Hier das neue Video von Galantis zu No Money.
Die Single könnt ihr hier streamen / kaufen: http://wmg.click/Galantis_NoMoneyYo

Galantis findet ihr im Netz auf folgenden Seiten:
Offizielle Seite: http://www.wearegalantis.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearegalantis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wearegalantis

► Abonniere Warner Music auf YouTube: http://wmg.click/YTKanalabonnieren


Sorry I ain’t got no money
I’m not trying to be funny but I left it all at home today
You can call me what you wanna I ain’t giving you a dollar
This time I ain’t gonna run away
You might knock me down, you might knock me down
But I will get back up again
You can call it how you wanna, I ain’t giving you a dollar

This time I ain’t gonna run away, run away, run away
This time, this time
This time, this time I ain’t gonna run, run, run, run, run
Not this time, not this time
Not this time
Not this time

Sorry I ain’t got no money
I’m not trying to be funny but I left it all at home today
You can call me what you wanna I ain’t giving you a dollar
This time I ain’t gonna run away
You might knock me down, you might knock me down
But I will get back up again
You can call it how you wanna I ain’t giving you a dollar
This time I ain’t gonna run away, run away, run away

This time, this time
This time, this time I ain’t gonna run, run, run, run, run, run
Not this time, not this time
This time I ain’t gonna run, run, run, run
Not this time
Not this time
Not this time
Not this time
Not this time

Written by: Henrik Jonback, Christian Karlsson, Andrew James Bullimore, Linus Eklow, Nicholas Gale

► Abonniere Warner Music auf YouTube: http://wmg.click/YTKanalabonnieren

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