home Funnels How Business Owners Optimize their Sales Funnels for Mobile Users

How Business Owners Optimize their Sales Funnels for Mobile Users

With the steady growth of mobile platforms. Optimizing your Sales Funnels for the mobile user is absolutely necessary today. Get a 14 day FREE trial to the BEST Sales Funnel builder on the planet earth : ️ https://bit.ly/3cGJkYQ

You may already know, and this could just be a reminder of how important mobile is to your website and sales funnels these days.

Statistics show that Smartphone usage is at 83% across the U.S., and it’s been noted that 80% of purchases are made on mobile platforms – that includes mobile phones, laptops, and tablets.

So, it’s definitely important to make sure your sites are optimized for the mobile users experience.

In this short video, I show you a free tool to help you make sure all of your sites are optimized for mobile viewing.

The site is Googles Mobile Friendly test site!

This tool:
️ Allows you to test how easily a visitor can use your page on a mobile device
️ Alerts you about critical site errors such as page load errors, detection of hacked content,
️ Helps you manage how your content appears in search results.

Just enter a page URL to see how your page scores

I demonstrate to show it takes just a few seconds for the results to be returned.

It also shows an image of the page on a mobile device.

It’s a free, quick, and easy way make sure your all of your websites and Sales Funnels are optimized and to make sure mobile users get the best experience on your websites and Sales Funnels.

You can search for it on Google, and I’ll leave a link below for you to try it out.

Enjoy and have a great day.

Google’s Mobile Friendly test site: ️ https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

Read this full demo on our blog:

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This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. If you like the service I provide, this is like a ‘tip’ and it is greatly appreciated.
I am an independent ClickFunnels® Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels®. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels® or its parent company, Etison® LLC
