I want to show you how to build high ticket funnel for fitness business marketing and click funnels to get more leads and clients, grow your business and generate huge leads to your landing page.
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I’m Riley Stewart and I’m the system architect and copywriter. I have developed a Gym business and I’m also a fitness business training expert. So, I’m going to walk you through exactly, How to build high ticket funnel for fitness business marketing and click funnels to get more leads.
Actually, I’m using the two social media ads platform, Facebook and Instagram ads to drive a huge amount of fitness leads. The biggest driver is Facebook, You tend to get a lower cost per lead on Facebook. So we go from there and we take the first through the landing page.
I want to show you how to leverage Facebook Marketing and Click Funnels to get more leads and clients, grow your fitness marketing business and generate huge traffic.
In this Case Study, I’ve outlined the entire process from strategizing and building the right sales funnel for your business, writing converting copy that resonates with your target audience, running Facebook Ads, making sales for your coaching business and everything in between.
Offer a lead magnet solving a problem for PT’s, and then Low Ticket Item with a Bonus Strategy Session to prospects in the funnel.
The Low Ticket Item would be an extension of the Lead Magnet, to ensure congruence, and then the two coaching programs 6 and 7 figure coach again built on that.
If you are looking to build high ticket funnel for your fitness business with more profit in less time than this video is one of the most important weapons for the personal training business.
Connect with me at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rileystewart21
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rileystewart.x/