home Training how-to-copy-franklin-hatchetts-affiliate-marketing-tricks


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I’m straight up copying Franklin Hatchett!

Franklin Hatchett is a top YouTube guru who teaches affiliate marketing, dropshipping and passive income. I’ve been following for a long time and he absolutely crushes it.

► Check out FRANKLIN here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWSwcoiLDPw

Franklin’s latest affiliate marketing methods made him $100,000 passive income in just 5 months time! It’s an absolutely insane result and something we can all learn from.

Franklin shows the sales funnel he used to make $100,000 in passive income online in one of his latest videos and I will be modeling my sales funnel on the one he created.

Franklin used ClickFunnels to build his sales funnel….to sell ClickFunnels! Genius!

My funnel will be built in Clickfunnels too but will be selling an affiliate marketing course I have been building. Hopefully, I can see some success by adopting Franklin’s method.

► MY SALES WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/ssuytfree

Follow through this video to see the exact sales pages that Franklin built and how I am making changes to align myself with what he did.

Finally, make sure to go and follow Franklin Hatchett too! He makes great videos!

For ONE-ON-ONE affiliate marketing, YouTube or email marketing consulting, you can book me at https://startstartingup.com/consultations/

My Camera, Recording Equipment and EVERYTHING on my desk: https://www.amazon.com/shop/startstartingup

– WATCH THE START STARTING UP PODCAST ► http://bit.ly/ssuplaypod
