home Start Start A Business | No Idea? No Money? No Problem!!

Start A Business | No Idea? No Money? No Problem!!

UPDATE (please read):
Some of my contact information has changed. The new information is as follows:
Twitter Handle = @TheSETaxGuy
New Facebook Page = /TheSelfEmployedTaxGuy
New Email = uctg@theselfemployedtaxguy.com

Ok carry on…
Startups, Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship are amazing! They are the things that helps make the world a great place. They moves us forward. They are why we have the technologies we have today (YouTube for example)

So… why is that you haven’t started yours yet? And if your answer has anything to do with having no idea because its already been done or you don’t have any money… then this video is for you!

Its time to remove all excuses and get busy!
