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Strategies for Writing Email Sequences

“So, what we found is throughout billions of emails, that we’ve sent a sequence that talks about a game, then addresses some logic and then stirs up some emotional fears. That sequence is the sequence that works the best.” – Roland Frasier

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Roland Frasier is co-founder and principal of three current Inc. Magazine fastest-growing companies and he has founded, scaled or sold 24 different 7 to 9 figure businesses ranging from consumer products to industrial machine manufacturing companies with adjusted sales ranging from $3 million to $337 million.

Currently growing DigitalMarketer.com, RivalBrands.com and Plattr.com while advising over 150 other companies on digitally centric customer acquisition, activation, referral, retention, and revenue strategies and plan implementation.

PULLED QUOTES from this video️:

” So that’s, this really can help you get past the messaging block to start thinking differently about different ways to approach your prospect with different types of messages.”

“And then testimonials particularly testimonials from people that the buyer believes in status or situation are worse off than you are right. Worse off than they are right now. Those testimonials mean more than a testimonial from Richard Branson saying I was able to make $20 last week.”

“So think about how can you use other people’s stories because stories are everything and news jacking story jacking, uh, hero’s journey stories, um, beating a bully, fighting a big enemy and winning a Blair Warren, if you Google, uh, Blair Warren one sentence persuasion.”

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The War Room Mastermind

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Subscribe to Roland Frasier https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkHnnFgdaTCg8KBd7W_LGSw?sub_confirmation=1

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